Website overhaul

Continued growth sees Gravesend accountants ATN Partnership revamp their online offering.

New online home follows hot on the heels of new offices as ATN Partnership further improves their offering to clients.

Leading Gravesend accountants ATN Partnership has continued it’s image overhaul with the release of their new website. The firm continues to expand and found its previous website falling behind the times so having completed the move across town to new premises decided now was the time to revamp its online presence .

Niyi Idowu, one of the firm’s founding Partners, said:

“We’re in our 10th year and it’s been amazing to be part of a real success story, the move to our new offices was a big thing for us as it is for any business.  We felt that our online presence could also do with an overhaul to ensure it reflects where we are now as a firm” 

ATN only moved to Gravesend in 2015 and continues to attract an increasing number of local businesses as clients.  Last year saw them move to new premises in Parrock Street to accommodate their ever growing team and refreshing their website was logical next step.

Niyi, added:

“We didn’t want to go down the route of client portals and logins as so many firms have as feel it’s our job to service businesses, not try and create some sort of self service offering so the new website is about is about making it easier for people to access the information they need when they need it”

The new website launched in March 2020 

So does this mean that they are here to stay or is one move in five years not quite enough?

Tahmina added:

“Here to stay in Gravesend? Yes, we’re all local people and love it here.  Our business plan is to open offices in other regions as well as growing the practice here in Gravesend and with the additional space we now have I think we’ll be here for a while but can’t guarantee we won’t need somewhere bigger in time”

To celebrate the move ATN are offering a free strategic planning review to the first 20 businesses that contact us via LinkedIn or Twitter using the #ATNmove

Talk to us

If you would like clear, concise and easy to understand help and advice on any issues that you are concerned about  then you can contact us on 01474 326224. Alternatively, visit the website tweet @atnpartnership or email  info@atnpartnership.co.uk.